Agricola Ponzio - Produzione e vendita basilico, prezzemolo, spinaci e rucola - Nichelino (Torino)
Azienda Agricola Ponzio Srl - Production and sale of frozen basil, parsley, spinach and rocket,
biological, aromatic herbs, oil and pickle, internal processing - Nichelino (Turin)
Agricola Ponzio - Produzione e vendita basilico, prezzemolo, spinaci e rucola - Nichelino (Torino)
Agricola Ponzio - Produzione e vendita basilico, prezzemolo, spinaci e rucola - Nichelino (Torino)

For Ponzio's farm the principal target is the maximum customer satisfaction.

For this reason, in 2003 the Farm invested 2.5 millions of euros to build a new production facility.

Every phase of production is compliance with rules of our Manual of Process Control based on HACCP regulations: microbiological analyses of raw materials and finished products, check up of Critical Points, chemical and microbiological analysis of water used to wash vegetables and herbs, monitoring of storage and freezing temperatures, control for extraneous material.

In 2008 Ponzio obtained BRC Global Standard for Food Safety certification (download document).

Awarded the certificate of compliance with EC Regulation 834/07 and 889/08 for the processing, freezing and packaging of vegetables cultivated using biological farming methods (download document).

Agricola Ponzio Maurizio - Production and sale of frozen basil, parsley, spinach and rocket, biological, aromatic herbs, oil and pickle, internal processing - Nichelino (Turin)

Azienda Agricola Ponzio Srl - Via Vernea, 49/3 - 10042 Nichelino (TO) - Tel. 011 624684
P.IVA - C.F. - numero iscrizione R.I. C.C.I.A.A. TO 09963620019 - capitale sociale € 110.000,00 I.V.
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